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Running Above the Clouds

for future and current runners

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Photo by Laurine Bailly on Unsplash

My journey

Exploring sports

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From my earliest days, sports have been a constant in my life. Whether it's cycling around town or taking long walks during my childhood in Sweden, I've always been drawn to the joy of movement. As a child, I found myself diving into the world of speed-walking. It might not have been the most conventional choice, but it was the only organized activity available in the small village I called home. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of my athletic journey.


As I entered my teenage years, I took my first steps into the world of running. While I wasn't breaking any speed records, the desire to improve was always there. Running became a personal challenge, a way to measure my progress, and a means to see how far my determination could take me. Around this time, I also tries indoor climbing for the first time. The thrill of conquering new heights ignited a passion for adventure that would drive me forward.

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Winter sports

My first taste of downhill skiing happened at the age of 19, an exhilarating experience that introduced me to the rush of gliding down a real slope. Not one to back down from a challenge, I even tried snowboarding, embracing every opportunity to engage with winter sports.

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From that experience, I went downhill skiing and snowboarding during vacations and weekends with enthusiasm.

From snow to trails

A grand aspiration caught my attention: to complete the challenging "En Svensk Klassiker": A 90 km cross-country skiing course, a 315 km cycling journey, a 3,000-meter swim, and a 30 km run, all within 12 months. As I delved into this quest, I began with cross-country competitions around the age of 20, honing my skills in preparation for the yearly "Vasaloppet," a 90 km competition that would become a significant part of my journey (to date, I've completed 5 Vasaloppet races).

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Multisport and Orienteering

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As my journey continued, I delved into multisport races that tested my skills in various disciplines, from mountain biking to canoeing. And then there was orienteering - a sport that captured my heart in ways I couldn't have imagined. The mental and physical aspects of navigating terrain resonated deeply with me.

A new chapter

Life took an exciting turn when I met my Italian husband and moved to Italy. Here, I found myself exploring the world of Scialpinismo, outdoor climbing, trail runs and sky running competitions.

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Sports I hardly new about before and I was adapting to new landscapes and challenges with enthusiasm.

Family adventures

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As our family grew, our shared passion for outdoor activities blossomed. X-coutry skiing and Downhill skiing became a family affair, and we embarked on mountain walks and hikes, exploring the beauty of nature together. Taking on UltraVasan, a 90 km ultra running race, alongside my brother was a testament to our shared determination and support.

Looking ahead

As my children matured, we embarked on new journeys together, tackling Via Ferrate climbing and savoring the thrill of conquering heights. The future holds endless possibilities, and I'm excited to embrace each new adventure with open arms. Who knows where my journey will take me next? One thing is certain - the passion for sports will continue to guide me forward in one way or another.

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My reasons

Why I started to run

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To enjoy guilt-free eating.
To enjoy food without regrets.
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To set goals, to feel aligned with the right path in life.
I guess this overarching reason encompasses all the current reasons as well.

Why I'm still running

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I cherish the sensation of continuous movement, always moving forward, preferably while breathing fresh air.
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I relish the thrill of exploring new routes, occasionally losing my way, only to triumphantly find my path back.
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The post-run euphoria is truly invaluable: "I regret that run," said no one, ever. Cit. unknown.
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I firmly believe that my body craves it. Running improves my sleep, enhances my overall well-being, and fills me with happiness.
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"Any day, any time, I would like to be able to run a marathon." Cit. Sara Why? Because if I can run a marathon, I'm always in shape to help others in need - a deepened calling since becoming a mother.

My dreams

Some of my dreams

More hiking adventures with my family

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More Via Ferrate with my family

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Once again "UltraVasan" with my brother

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A Mountain running competition with brother

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Preferably in north of Sweden, this time!

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The "UTMB" running competition

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"Spartathlon" running competition

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Fulfilling or not fullfilling dreams...

Sometimes it's ok if the dream remains a dream. I've realised during the years that dreams come and go and that our dreams depend on many aspects. I, personally, would like to avoid living an old dream or living soneone else's dream. Are you living your dream?

  • Feasibility: Some dreams may be beyond our current capabilities or resources. For example, one might dream of flying like a bird, but this is not physically possible for humans.
  • Change: Our dreams can change over time as we grow and evolve. What we once desired might not hold the same appeal or relevance.
  • Balance: Pursuing every dream could lead to an imbalance in various aspects of life. It’s important to prioritize and balance our dreams with our responsibilities and relationships.
  • Value of Dreams: Dreams also serve the purpose of providing hope, motivation, and a sense of direction. They don’t always have to be achieved to serve their purpose.
  • Learning: The journey towards realizing our dreams often provides more learning and growth opportunities than the achievement of the dream itself.

Remember, it’s perfectly okay if some dreams remain as dreams. They still add value to our lives by giving us something to aspire to and by fueling our creativity and ambition. It’s more about the journey than the destination.

My heroes

Some of my inspirational running heroes